You are betting that the Japanese economy is doing well, and will even get better as time goes. Once you sell those “shares” back to the market, hopefully, you will end up with a profit.

                     Major Participant

In general, the exchange rate of a currency versus other currencies is a reflection of the condition of that country’s economy, compared to other countries’ economies.
By the time you graduate from this School of Pipsology, you’ll be eager to start working with currencies.
Major Currencies
While there are potentially lots of currencies you can trade, as a new trader, you will probably start trading with the “major currencies.”
Major Currencies
USDUnited StatesDollarBuck
GBPGreat BritainPoundCable
NZDNew ZealandDollarKiwi
Major Currencies
Currency symbols always have three letters, where the first two letters identify the name of the country and the third letter identifies the name of that country’s currency.
Take NZD for instance. NZ stands for New Zealand, while D stands for dollar. Easy enough, right?